Explore your connection in terms of karma, attraction, & compatability

Is your current relationship rooted in sexual attraction? Are you experiencing a past-life connection with unfinished business? Are you truly compatible with your partner or is it all an illusion? All relationships carry vibrational energies. Some are harmonious and easy while others produce a lot of energy and tension. Each plays an important role in the overall makeup of your relationship and constitutes a different aspect of how the two of you relate.  Heather will give you a high-level overview of your relationship as it would manifest in the majority of instances based on your energy. Speaking specifically to attraction, intensity, and compatibility receive reassurance in your love life or direct insight on how to achieve balance and authentic love in your relationships.

Relationship guidance could include the following:

  • Learning your approach to relationships and patterns of behavior that will impact any relationship you’re involved in

  • Give you unique insights into your intimate relationships

  • Understand the karmic lessons you need to derive from your relationship to either let go or lean in

  • Relationship karma you carry in this lifetime

  • Your personal marriageability (the likelihood of you getting married, staying married, etc.)

  • If you’re single: when love is coming into your life